CAM-X Supervisor Coaching Clinics

Spring is traditionally a time of growth and rejuvenation.  The annual Spring Supervisor Coaching Clinics sponsored by CAM-X (Canadian Call Management Association) focus on training and educational forums that are aimed at promoting positive growth, expansion, new ideas and leadership for all attendees.

This year, CAM-X’s theme, “Leadership – Color outside the Lines,” was enhanced by professional and in-house presentations geared to promote sharing of information and practical experiences relevant to the Call Centre industry.

Beginning with a fun-filled scavenger hunt, hosted by Education Committee member, Pam Poehlmann, supervisors from various telephone answering services and contact centres were led on a fun-filled, educational odyssey that not only provided insight into how to recognize and react to particular business/personnel situations but also how to incorporate that knowledge into their every day working environments.

Professional speakers, Peter Forint (Toronto) and Reg Neufelt (Calgary), provided take-home tools geared to increase a supervisor’s perception, thus enabling them to recognize and respond to the key personality traits of true leaders.

The on-going CAM-X CSR/Supervisor Certification program, now in its second year, was highlighted with several participants taking advantage of scheduled break out sessions where they received mentoring by previously certified CAM-X members.

Amy Newberry of Intercon Messaging Inc. Drayton Valley, Alberta commented on her experience at the Toronto Coaching Clinic: “After the coaching clinic in Toronto I have been really excited to help out our staff so they can be the best that they can be. I have come in on my days off to help the new girls out a bit by coaching them and answering any questions that have come up with accounts.  Toronto rocked and has left me in awe. I learned so much and can hardly wait for the next one.”

(submitted by Ida Rowlands)

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