Call Centers Care Event in Central Florida

By Glenn Pasch

About thirty members of the ATA rose early in the morning for a twenty-five-minute bus ride to lend a hand to those less fortunate during the Call Centers Care event that took place following the annual ATA Convention and Expo. This year, we aided the Coalition for the Homeless in central Florida.  When we arrived, we were all taken slightly aback by the size of the shelter.  In my mind, when I think of a shelter, it does not take up a block or two – but this one did!  This made all of us realize that the homeless problem is not getting smaller; it is getting larger each day.

The shelter’s CEO and managing director, who gave us a brief introduction and tour, explained how the shelter operates to our team.  The shelter houses not only single men and women (those we would consider to be the “homeless”), but also families who need some help.  The stunning fact that hit me was how many families included members with full-time jobs but were just not making a living wage.

All of us were ready to go to work after hearing the director’s speech.  Our mission was to give the family quarters a fresh coat of paint.  Armed with our supplies, we broke up into teams of five and proceeded to paint hallway after hallway.

Together, we made quick work of the day, and it was great to hear the chatter of the other groups, admiring the progress and never once slowing down until we were finished. After about three hours of painting, our job was complete.  Floors cleaned, supplies put away, and to the amazement of the managing director, we had exceeded expectations of what we were able to accomplish.

What made it all worthwhile was hearing grateful thank-yous from the family members as they passed through the halls.  The halls seemed a little brighter, and if we helped to give the place a bit of a lift, then our time was well spent.

This event continues to grow in participation amongst ATA members because each of us brings a piece of this experience back with us and makes sure we plan to be involved the next time.

Glenn Pasch is COO of PCG Digital Marketing.

[From Connection Magazine December 2010]

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